
The South African market was in need of a product that would suit our climate and treat skin conditions correctly. A biotechnology research company Lamelle Research Laboratories manufactured Lamelle products locally.

To manufacture products with great success you must have a special interest in cosmetic dermatology and all products that are developed must follow a rigorous programme of review, research and meticulous production.

Lamelle Research Laboratories was the first to launch Nobel Prize winning nano-capsulated Recombinant Human Growth Factors 100% homologues to human protein in South Africa, which has proven to be popular with doctors and therapists due to its results for anti-ageing under the brand Dermaheal. This is one of many firsts for Lamelle including Ovelle, the first oral supplement for hormonal pigmentation / melasma. With Lamelle we are able to treat and improve the below skin concerns:


Photoageing is the process by which skin is changed or damaged as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and other sources. Dermal components are broken down rapidly and the long-term effects of this process on the skin include wrinkles and/or discolouration. Ultraviolet radiation is responsible for up to 80% of all skin ageing.

The treatment protocol for photoageing is designed to treat and prevent the breakdown of the dermal components which result in dermal scars (elastosis) or as they are commonly known: wrinkles. Lamelle�s range of highly active treatments have proven to be extremely successful in treating ageing skin due to innovative technology.

Problematic skin

Acne is a common skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Nearly 85% of people develop acne at some time between the ages of 12-25 years. Up to 20% of women develop mild acne.

The exact cause of acne is unknown however several risk factors have been identified: hormonal changes, diet, hereditary � individuals with a family history of acne have greater susceptibility to the disease. The environment � exposure to oils and greases, polluted air and sweat. Stressful lifestyle conditions can also contribute to problematic skin.

This treatment protocol is designed to treat and prevent the excess sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria from clogging the pores and eventually leading to problematic skin. Lamelle�s highly active treatments have proven to be extremely successful in treating problematic skin due to innovative technology.


What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is when the skin appears dark, blotchy, and uneven in colour. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin colour, forms excess deposits in the skin as a form of protection. There are different forms of hyperpigmentation which differ in their depth and cause for the darkening. Hyperpigmentation can affect the skin colour of people of any race, although darker skin types tend to struggle more. Hyperpigmentation is a very difficult condition to treat depending on the different depths that it may occur.

1. Epidermal (superficial) hyperpigmentation - this hyperpigmentation can be treated effectively with cosmeceutical products containing active de-pigmenting ingredients as it sits in the epidermis.

2. Dermal (deeper) hyperpigmentation - this hyperpigmentation cannot be treated effectively with any cosmeceutical de-pigmenting ingredient as it lies in the dermal layer. The only effective treatments are specific pigment lasers.

3. A mixture of epidermal and dermal hyperpigmentation - Certain cosmeceuticals containing active de-pigmenting ingredients will be effective in reducing the epidermal hyperpigmentation; however the dermal pigmentation will remain unaffected.

There are a number of different factors that can trigger hyperpigmentation and these are as follows:

Sun damage is a very common trigger of hyperpigmentation, especially in hotter climates such as Africa. Freckles, age spots, and other darkened skin patches can become darker or more pronounced when skin is exposed to the sun. This happens because melanin absorbs the energy of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays in order to protect the skin from damage.

Melasma or Chloasma is hyperpigmentation triggered by hormonal changes/influences. Pregnancy, for example, can trigger overproduction of melanin that causes hyperpigmentation on the face. Melasma frequently reduces after pregnancy. Women who take birth control pills may also develop hyperpigmentation because their bodies undergo similar kinds of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is another form of hyperpigmentation that is caused by any sort of trauma to the skin. (e.g. Acne) Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) causes skin darkening and discoloration that show up as spots, or as large patches on a person's skin. This is because cells that normally produce brown pigment evenly across your skin produce too much melanin. This happens because of an inflammatory reaction in the skin, or injury to the skin. Although PIH can occur in all skin types, it is more common in people of African, Asian, Latin, and indigenous Indian background, and can affect men and women equally.


Revitalisation is to restore the skin to an active or fresh condition. Revitalization of the skin would include treatment options which improve the function of the skin and stimulate cellular replacement from the basal layer to create a younger more hydrated, healthier looking skin.

This treatment protocol is designed to treat devitalized, skin as well as being an excellent preventative measure to delay fine lines and ageing.